⚠️ This page is out of date and needs to be updated.
This Server Re-opened on February 5, 2022! A Client is available for download at is a private server which began as in April 2014 and later transitioned to before finally settling on Chotopia.

Chotopia Specifc Information
Chotopia Logo

The Beginning

Chotopia Christmas Party 2016 saw a small but steady growth over the first few months of release, and reached 1000 users in August 2014 & 2000 users in January 2015, it also transitioned to around this time and continued with the domain for over a year until switching to it's final domain

Website Homepages & Updates Initial Homepage (April 2014)

Chotopia has gone through many revisions of it's homepage through-out it's lifetime, and thankfully many images of these homepages are still available to this day on [The Chotopia Blog] & has been archived for preservation, and will be made public once the blog has been taken offline.

2014 Flash Home Page (June 2014) & went under 3 total revisions during 2014, the initial website was created using a free template found online (currently searching for source, and will include in resources once found), the second website was created in Flash CS6, and the third was created and launched in November 2014. Homepage (November 2014)

2015 had its website change a few months after, however there was no blogpost, and [Web Archive]'s backup is broken and doesn't load a stylesheet, however in December of 2015 with the launch of the domain there was a blog post which included a screenshot of the New and "Final" Website Design, with minor revisions following with the next few years. Homepage (December 2015)

Present has introduced new features, however the website design is relatively the same as it was since the introduction of the final 2015 revision. As of this current edit, still remains online for players to login & register too, however the last blog post was created in January 2021 stating farewell to the Chobots World, and no further updates have been communicated.

File:Chotopia2021.png Homepage (Oct 2021)


Over the years, Chotopia has hosted a discord server, forum, events, and parties to engage users in the Community. does not publish the amount of users it has registered anymore, but its discord has 434 Members. Homepage (Jan 2024) is the longest living Chobots Server to date, and if we had to estimate - the third largest playerbase when compared to and (the latter being the largest)

Closed Doors remained online for majority of 2021 - however the blog was last updated in January 2021 with the following.

Dear Chotopians,

It is with sadness that we announce the end of Chotopia. You may be aware that support for Flash is ending on the 12th of January and that means Chotopia will more than likely not be able to run anymore.

Chotopia was up for over 6 years, with the entire Chobots history starting in 2008. From then onwards, we made great memories, we laughed, we cried, and overall, we cherished it. We hope that you all continue to cherish the amazing memories you made on Chobots and on Chotopia specifically.

Chobots, to some, was just a fun game to mess around on, and to others it meant so much. We hope that you look back on these times with a smile and remember all the good times you had playing this wonderful game.

On behalf of the Chotopia team, farewell.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and don’t forget this amazing game. remained online and closed it's doors officially in December 2021. has since came back online, and while it doesn't receive regular updates it is still maintained and occasionally updated. Visit the Discord


Created by Shadow, the original staff consisted of Brock, Cake, Curi, Evan, Smurf, Elthomii/E2E2, and a few others who can't be named at the moment (due to forgetting) Staff (Needs Attention)
Name Username Position Tenure
Sorry Sorry Administrator 2014-
Shadow Shadow Administrator 2014-
Muffin Muffin Community Staff 2014-
Novo Novo Community Staff 2014-
Brock imbrock Developer 2014-2015
N/A Curi Designer 2014-?
N/A Antonio Designer 2019-2020
N/A Smurf Designer 2014-?
N/A Jag Designer 2014-?
N/A Elthomii/E2E2 Moderator 2014-?
N/A Jaay Community Staff ?
N/A Nicole Designer 2018-
N/A Bepot Community Staff 2018-
N/A Tamara Community Staff 2018-
N/A Eistee Community Staff 2024
N/A Brian1king Community Staff 2015-2020
N/A Jacob Community Staff 2020-